Stretching into Things
In an effort not to get too aggressive and burn myself out, I decided to start small today. As my partner would say, it’s a miracle if I walk out of a bookstore without buying something, and I always have a long list of books that I’m looking to purchase despite having three bookcases already in the apartment. While tackling that is a project I’m not ready for, this morning I took the time to pick some of the books I very nearly bought myself this past month and requested them from the library.
Allowing myself to still feel like I own the books, like I can sit with them and absorb them fully, is important to me and I think will help in letting some of the other books go when that time comes.
It’s a small step, a little thing, but it feels like a big victory to be back on the journey towards living more intentionally rather than just thinking about it. Now I’ve paired an action with those thoughts, making it real, tangible, and getting one itsy bit closer to less overwhelm.